Virtual Reality Mistress

By: Jim Lyon

Genres: #Fantasy #FantasyFulfilled #Kinky


While surfing the Internet, meandering from website to website during an episode of insomnia, Jody ends up on an esoteric blog about virtual reality software and accouterments, where an ad for an intriguing product catches his attention. A stunning femme fatale boldly proclaims that Jody can live out all his sexual fantasies in the privacy and safety of his own home by purchasing the Virtual Reality Mistress. To the sleep deprived Jody that sounds like a pretty good idea, so he places an order and a few days later a Fedex package arrives that changes his life forever. Using information gathered from a battery of assessments and questionnaires filled out by Jody, this product provides him with customized virtual reality fantasies based on his core sexuality. The only trouble is he is not aware of how dark some of his true desires are. Jody embarks on an always erotic but sometimes unsettling journey determined to make peace with his demons.

Author's Bio:

Jim liked the idea of becoming a writer from an early age, although specializing in erotica was not what he initially envisioned. While attending college he dabbled in various writing pursuits ranging from play writing to entertainment journalism, and probably would have tried his hand at writing erotica if the opportunity had presented itself; alas, it did not.

It wasn't until the Internet came along and websites offering erotic stories of every description began popping up that Jim had his first inclination to write smut. After visiting a few sites that featured user written kinky stories, most of which were terrible, he quickly realized that he could do a much better job. And he was right. Before long he found himself moonlighting as the story editor for the now-defunct, one of the naughtier websites of that era.

Fast forward several years and Jim decided to transition from erotica hobbyist to professional. He spent several months writing his first book-length erotic story and then steeled himself to the task of finding a publisher. He sent his first round of queries out on a Thursday and the following Monday received a terse email that read: "We like your book. Will send a contract soon." And thus his career as an erotic writer began in earnest. He has since published six kinky books and had several stories included in various anthologies.

#KinkyLiterature, #KinkyBooks, #EroticFiction, #EroticLiterature, #Erotic, #Erotica, #Kink, #Kinky, #Fiction, #KinkyLit

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