Paramnesia (Erotic Urban Legends)

By: Alexa Nichols

Genres: #Suspense #Mystery #Erotica


They've managed to survive the Exitium Mundi. Now they just have to survive each other.

A clone. A damaged, broken child with an instinct for robotics. And a woman whose mind is so fragmented that she cannot trust anything - or anyone - around her.

Eva woke up disoriented and naked, her mind flickering through scenarios and images that she couldn't differentiate between memories or dreams. Or some sort of hybrid combination of them both. Her husband stood at the foot of her bed, holding a bat and seemingly terrified of what she might do. Her home was in shambles, her memories were shattered, and there was something outside their home trying desperately to get in.

And that was just the first five minutes of her day....

Author's Bio:

A motherfucking princess. Who also happens to be a writer. I like to mix erotica, romance, and paranormal in my writing. Huge fan of the word “motherfucker.” ❤

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